Thank you for taking the first step in considering applying for registration with Catholic Education Wilcannia-Forbes.
How do I gain employment in a Catholic school?
The Principal of each school is responsible for the placement of teachers/staff at their school. Apply directly to the advertised positions that interest you. Alternatively, you can complete an Application for Teaching Position and email to
If you are seeking relief teaching positions only, you can provide your details to schools and, should they be interested, they will contact you directly.
Do you need to be Catholic to work in Catholic Education?
It is not essential to be Catholic to work in Catholic Education. However, the Catholic faith and teachings are integral parts of education in this sector and are of a particular advantage.
It is a requirement that teachers of Religious Education are committed Catholics who give active Christian witness to Catholic beliefs.
Is there a requirement for me to undergo training in the Catholic faith to be employed in the Catholic Education sector?
All permanent staff in the diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes are expected to gain the appropriate levels of accreditation to work, to teach and to lead in a diocesan school or the CEO. All permanent teaching staff and CEO staff are required to participate in appropriate courses to satisfy diocesan ongoing accreditation requirements providing them with the opportunity to continue to update their knowledge and skills and to continue their own spiritual journey.
Please see link below for accreditation details.
Will I be required to obtain any clearances to work in Catholic Education?
Before an appointment, we require all staff to provide a WWCC.
What types of roles/jobs are there in the Catholic Education sector?
You can work in one of our 18 primary schools as a teacher, school support staff or administration. You can also work for the Catholic Education Office located in Forbes within roles such as Consultants, Education Officers, IT Officers, Finance Officers and Administration Officers.
Where can I go to get assistance if I have a query about my terms and conditions of employment?
In the first instance, you should contact your school. The school will be most familiar with your specific terms of appointment. For further assistance, you can contact the Corporate Services Office at the CEO.
What is my salary and conditions of employment?
There is an Enterprise Bargaining Agreement that covers the salary and conditions for all school-based employees, teachers, administration and school support (NSW and ACT Catholic Systemic Schools Enterprise Agreement 2020).
School Principals are covered by an agreement (NSW & ACT Catholic Systemic Schools Principals Enterprise Agreement 2020).
Employees in the Catholic Education Office have separate terms & conditions of employment.
The conditions for Salary Packaging are system-wide.
Who is my employer?
All employees are employed by the Trustees of the Diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes. Supervision in the first instance is provided by Principals (Schools).